Free Fiction Friday!

Hey friends, family and fans!

Happy Friday!

To celebrate, I have added two free short stories for you to enjoy!

If you look at the menu bar at the top of the page, you will see the two listed;



Just click on either and voila!  Both are about to be released/re-released!  So enjoy!



Cover Reveal

Here it is folks!

My new kids adventure release;

Ayrielle and Willow Band Together!

Terri Ann Ewing McDaniel once again did the cover art (She also did Layne Meets Lefty & Knuckles!) and she crushed it!

A release date will be announced soon!

SteveAyrielle and Willow Band Together Cover

Contest Update and Next book release! (Sort of kind of)

Alright alright!  I see we have a problem here!!!

SOOOO, when I did the Jane contest, I had 76 entries!!!! 76!!!! Wowsa.

So far with the review contest, which is roughly a week old, I have – ZERO entries.

Getting reviews is one of the hardest things in the world.  Every review of my work on amazon or goodreads equals eyeballs on the releases!

So please, if you have read anything and finished it, please please please take a minute to leave a review!

Now, as for the next book release!

I am currently re-editing and plotting a re-release of The Fence.  After getting some feedback from some fellow authors (thank you all!), the best course of action is to begin to put some high quality stuff out, and in this case, I wanted to package The Fence better.

So The Fence will become Frostbitten: 12 Hymns of Misery.  This will package For Balder Walks (which was only available as a stand alone story before) with the 11 stories from the Fence.  I have worked with the original cover designer of For Balder Walks to update it and have included it below!

I am looking at having a July 1st release date, followed by the second batch of short stories (Left Hand Path) out in August.  Left Hand Path is completed, I am just waiting on artwork.

I will be also re-releasing my first novel Invincible.  A lot of this is for ease of ordering for those interested!

So once Frostbitten is released, The Fence and For Balder will cease to exist as available ebooks or physical copies, so if you own either now, you have a collectors item!

I will have an update on the next wave of Kids Adventure stuff hopefully this week as well!




0 - Frostbitten 5x7 V3

New Contest!!

Alright friends and fans!

Contest time!

This contest is directly related to the free download promo I did for my ebooks.

One of the hardest things to get from folks, is reviews on Amazon.  Why?  Who knows!

So as an enticement, I am having a contest, directly related to reviews.

How does it work?  Easy!

So from Today (May 7th, 2018) until July 1st, 2018, I ask you all, to leave a review of any of the books you have read.  Each review will get you an entry and a chance to win!   So if you downloaded all of my books and leave a review for each one, you will get an entry for each review!

Once you leave the review, send me a message, email, text etc, just saying that you left a review and about which book.  If you can tell me the review title as well, that would be great! IE: Loved it!  Or Not my cup of tea!

“But Steve, what if I didn’t like your book? What if I only give it 1 start out of 5?”

No worries!  All I ask is for you to leave a constructive review.  If Horror isn’t your thing, then say that!  If you didn’t like characters, thought something was too long, too short, whatever reason, please just write it down in the review.  I take nothing personal.  If you didn’t like it, I understand!  That’s the joy of books!

What do you win?

Great question!!!

I am going to award 2 lucky winners a neat prize!

Each lucky winner will end up receiving a pre-release copy of my next book of short stories Left Hand Path: 13 More Tales of Black Magick, when it is ready to be released!

As a secondary prize, (and I hope this isnt too corny!) I will be thanking you each personally in the Author’s afterword section of the book!

So please, if you would be so kind, leave a review!

Who knows, you may just end up with a free book!



Free Promo Wrap Up!


What a great and amazing 5 days!  You guys all came through for me and I can’t thank everyone enough!  What a turn out!

So, without further ado- here are the numbers and best placing results!

Total Downloads = 125 total downloads!!! That’s insane!  That works out to 25 downloads each day!

For Balder Walks = 28, highest position = #43

Gabe & the A Word = 19, highest position = #9!!!!

Invisible = 24, highest position = #31

Jane: The 816 Chronicles = 18, highest position = #66

Layne Meets Lefty & Knuckles = 16, highest position = #17

The Fence: and Other Sordid Tales = 20, highest position = #38

I seriously can’t thank you all enough!

Seeing Gabe & the A Word get to #9 overall in the Amazon Free Kids books was insane!

So in the next few days, I will be announcing a contest to go along with all of these downloads!  So keep your eyes peeled!


