Free Ebook Promo!

Man alive, thank you all so much, so far, for the phenomenal free ebook promo that I am currently running over at Amazon.

All my stuff will be free until end of day tomorrow, May 1st, so if you havent yet, head there and download the free ebooks onto your kindle or through the free kindle app on your tablet or smartphone!

When the promo is over, I will see what the numbers look like and update you all!




Free Ebooks!

Hey all!  Thanks for the great response to Jane!  Really appreciate all of your support!

Now with Jane: the 816 Chronicles released, here is whats up next;

  • from Friday April 27th until May 1st, all of my ebooks will be free through amazon and the kindle app!  Just a thank you, and a way for people to check out my stuff without the fear of spending money!
  • Left Hand Path: 13 More Tales of Black Magick is coming together and I should have a release date pending soon!
  • more kids releases!
  • work on my 2nd full length novel The Stranger is progressing slowly, but coming along
  • work on my 3rd full length novel 15 Years is at a stand still
  • work on my 3rd book of short stories is progressing.  2.5 stories in the bank!

Cheers, and I hope you check out some of the free e-book releases!

PS this includes Jane as well!




Here we are!  April 20, 2018!  The release for Jane is here!

Thank you to all who entered the giveaway contest!  I had 76 entries, so I decided to giveaway a 2nd copy (my personal pre-release!).  Congrats Amanda and Gavin for the wins!  I will be including each of the limited edition covers as well.  Originally I was going to try and make them all fancy, but that failed so I just printed them out 🙂

I am so excited for the release of Jane for two big reasons;

1 – I love Jane.  The character is so lovely and endears so much.

2 – This is my first release that has a physical copy available through!!!  If you live in Canada, its ordered from and shipped from Canada!  No exchange and no crazy shipping costs!  I know this has been a barrier for some folks!

So without further ado!



Physical Copies!

Thanks for your support!




Jane Limited Edition Covers

As the date grows closer to Jane: The 816 Chronicles being released (THIS FRIDAY! APRIL 20TH!!), I wanted to touch on the “limited edition covers” that I had previously mentioned.

At one point I was going to attempt to do a pre-release link and anyone who ordered them would be sent one of these.  Well the ability to do that pre-release was pretty much zero, so I am going to send one of these to the winner of the book contest!

There is a black and white cover, as well as color cover option.  Neither of these is the finalized, finished Jane cover!

If you havent entered yet, there is still time!  The winner will be announced on this Thursday, April 19th!

Head to my facebook page –

or my twitter page – to find out the details!


Good luck!


Jane Release Date

FRIDAY THE 13th!  Means…. Release date info!!

Friday April 20, 2018 Jane: The 816 Chronicles will be unleashed!

The very exciting part is that for the first time ever, I will releasing this as a physical copy on!  Previously the physical stuff was only available through which meant exchange plus increased shipping!!

Secondly, I am doing a contest to celebrate the announcement!  I have an Author’s Proof Pre-Release to give away!  There is only 4 of these in existence and you can be the lucky winner of one of them!  Winner will be chosen on April 19th!

Head over to either my instagram page ;stevestred or my authors page for official rules!

And if you are here and havent signed up for my email list, do it!!!



Jane Update and a few other things

Hey friends and fans!

Jane: The 816 Chronicles is about to be unleashed!  The original release date of May 1st is dead, but that’s only because it will be released before that date!

I have switched to Create Space which means the physical copies of the book will be available through both and!  That’s right, my Canadian folk will be able to order it in Canadian funds with Canadian shipping!  For my location in Alberta, book + shipping was a skiff over $13!  CANADIAN!  I will be looking at my options to switch the other physical copies over to Create Space as well!

I am going to be doing an Author Proof give-away shortly for Jane, I will keep you posted!

And finally, my original collection of short stories; The Fence: and Other Sordid Tales has been re-formatted!

There was some weird formatting issues previously with it, but that has all been updated now!




Blog post #2!!

Welp, I sure failed my logic from blog post #1.  I indicated I would write a lot on it and I didnt.  So know here I am!  I am actually writing this, and posting this as a pre-cursor to mentioning it on my author page on facebook!  So this will be written and posted, and then people will hopefully come, and read this and sign up for email updates!

Several things I wanted to do with this blog.  I can write a bit longer and a bit more direct than on facebook/insta/twitter.  For instance, this is going to be a slightly longer post to go over some exciting things, but on facebook, you would have scrolled by already!  Facebook also picks and chooses when you see my posts.  So there are times when my reach says 50 people, and there are times when my reach says 5000 people.  With blog updates, if you signed up, it will be sent to you.  It may go to social/prom account depending on your email provider, but it will be there!

Secondly, I wanted to announce a very exciting update to how I release my work.  I am an indie author, self publishing my work through a program called KDP with amazon.  Currently that set up allows me to released ebooks in Canada and the US, as well as overseas, and physical copies through the US and overseas.  This is not ideal for all of my Canadian family, friends and fans, who want to support me/check out my releases.  This means you are paying for the physical copy in US dollars, which isnt at a great rate, and paying US shipping as well.  So, while I keep my books as low priced as I can (for example The Fence physical copy costs $7.10 to print when you order it, and I have it listed for $7.25.  That’s right, when you order The Fence, I make $0.15 US!) so try and offset that exchange/conversion.

Well, I have done some research and a really sweet option has come about.  Create Space will allow me to set up the ebook and physical copies, then still self publish it through Amazon and KDP.  The exciting part of this, is that after a few weeks, the physical copy will be also available on  What this means is that my Canadian fan base will be able to order the physical copy in CDN funds, with CDN shipping!  I am super excited for this.  It will also allow the book to be ordered for book stores/institutions etc.  So if one of my books takes off and gets some press, libraries or even Chapters can order it and sell it at brick and mortar stores!!

The other awesome bonus from this, is that I will be able to order ‘proof copies’.  These are pre-release/author release versions of the same book, at my printing cost.  The bonus of this, is that I can get a few extra books to do some contests/giveaways etc!

Second to last bit here, is that because of all of this excitement, I am unsure of Jane’s physical release date.  I am currently waiting for the proof copy of the book, and once it arrives, I can confirm quality and submit for publishing.  The ebook will be available shortly, so I am essentially scrapping the “pre-release” function of the book.  I was going to give out copies of the limited edition cover to whoever pre-ordered the books, but will do some contests coming up to send those out instead now!

Finally, I hope your mind was blown with the amazing OFFICIAL COVER OF JANE!  My good buddy Jody at Ink Boy Tattoos in Cultus Lake, BC really crushed it on this one!  This is hopefully what most of you, who have read any of the Jane stuff so far, picture when you think of her!  [Minus some scars :)]

So, I hope this is exciting for you all, this is super exciting for me!  I have a number of releases as always coming up soon, but with a direct link like this to you all, I can send out one off stories etc etc as I see fit!

Thanks for your continued support and amazing feedback!


PS; if you havent left any feedback on any of my books at their amazon sites, I would really appreciate it.  This is a way for amazon to self market the book and recommend it to other readers doing searches!