3Q’s – Matthew Vaughn is blacker than a really black thing!


Can you believe this! The end! The last 3Q’s feature of… SEASON 1!! Ahhh, what! Yeah, that’s right. This is the last one for this series and starting in August, we’ll see Season 2, featuring new guests, some new questions and a whole lot of fun!

For this last one, please welcome the awesomely extreme – Matthew Vaughn!

Welcome, good sir!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Matthew: I know you know I have a big family, but for anyone that doesn’t know, I have five kids that range from one year old to thirteen years old. My writing style can only be described as a guerrilla style, which basically means I write whenever and wherever I can. I want more than anything to be able to get up before work and write for at least an hour everyday. I’ve tried, and I will continue to try, but so far I haven’t had any luck with that. So, until I can get it worked out, I write on my phone mostly. I just write in my notes app and email it to myself for final edits and formatting. I write at work if I can, I write sitting in the car while my wife runs into Target. I write at my sons soccer practices if the other parents don’t talk to me. Then, like I said, after editing it for a while on my phone I email it to myself for final editing, which I’ve been doing a lot of at work recently. As far as hitting a word count goes, I’m just happy to get any writing done, so I don’t focus on word counts so much.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a favorite character you’ve written?

Matthew: I don’t know if it’s weird or not, but I don’t have any strong connections to any of my characters. I like telling stories about bad things that happen, and that usually involves writing about a lot of bad people. And to be honest, I find writing bad people is much more enjoyable than writing good people. You get to really let your imagination run wild and think of lot’s of horrible, terrible things these people could do.
So, saying that, the Harrington family in the Hellsworld Hotel series are my favorite to write. That is why I decided to write the prequel stories, I just wanted to play with those characters some more, to flesh out some that didn’t get as much limelight as others. I have plans to revisit them still, I’ve roughly started on a sequel that will give me an opportunity to write about this crazy, whacked out family and to introduce some new relatives. So, there’s at least one more haunted house out there with blood soaked walls and gore filled rooms ran by a bunch of nut jobs that will see the light of day!

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!
Matthew: Coming out July14th on godless.com is the ebook of The Survivors. My wife and I were big fans of the TV show Lost, and if you’ve ever watched it then you know it has a lot of fantastical elements to it. At some point I got the idea of writing a story similar to Lost, of plane crash survivors that are marooned on an Island, but ground it in reality. No smoke monsters or time travel, the islands not magic, just real people in a bad situation. But obviously I make it a bit extreme. These are not all good people, and there’s some cannibals on the island. After it runs e book only for a little while I’ll release it in paperback form.

Also, very soon, I’ll be releasing the 30 Minutes or Less stories in paperback for the first time. This will be one book featuring all three stories combined together into one collection, with a forward by none other than Steve Stred! So it will be cool to see people being able to read this as one big story.

The Survivors by Matthew Vaughn

Steve: Bonus Question! What is your favorite album?

Matthew: This is probably the most difficult question out of the whole bunch! I love music, it has been a big part of my life since I was in middle school. I’m always listening to music, if I don’t have an audio book going. But my favorite album, out of all the ones I love, that’s tough. How about a couple –

Strapping Young Lad’s City. SYL was one of my favorite bands, and City was the first album I heard from them. It’s perfect, loud, aggressive, atmospheric, it has it all, there is not a bad song on the album.

Ministry’s Filth Pig. Another band that I have loved forever, they’re mainly known for earlier albums, but I love the raw and depressing sound of Filth Pig.

Lastly I’ll say Filter’s Short Bus. When Hey Man, Nice Shot came out it was overplayed like crazy. But, after seeing them live, I bought the album and it has so many bangers on it. Richard Patrick is angry and the guitars are super loud and hard. Those three albums are in constantly in rotation on my phone, and have been since the 90’s!


Very cool! Awesome, thank you so much, Matthew! And thank all the people out there who have checked out this first batch of 3Q’s!

For more from Matthew, check the links!

Website: mcvaughn.wordpress.com
Amazon: amazon.com/author/matthewvaughn

Godless: https://godless.com/search?q=matthew+vaughn

3Q’s – Jonathan Edward Durham wishes you a happy Barley Day!


Isn’t it a great feeling when you get a book and blows your socks off? I remember getting an ARC for review of today’s 3Q’s debut novel and thinking the synopsis was cool, but the cover was ultimately what pulled me in and – BOOM! Blown away!

Jonathan Edward Durham joins us for 3Q’s and I’m excited to see what he has to say!

Welcome, Jonathan!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Jonathan: I definitely try and write at the same time each day…for whatever reason my life just runs smoother when my schedule is predictable. I try to get in two writing sessions a day, one after I’m done with my workout and errands in the afternoon, and then another one later at night after my husband goes to sleep. So overall I try to get in 4 or 5 hours total every day, but if I’m honest, that doesn’t always happen.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a favorite character you’ve written?

Jonathan: Well, seeing as “Winterset Hollow” is the only thing I’ve ever released, I suppose I’ll have to draw my answer from that, lol. I’ve been asked that question a lot, and to be honest my answer has changed a few times, and it will probably change again. But as of right now, my favorite character is Runny, the rabbit. I don’t know, I just identify with his more anxious sensibilities, and frankly, I really enjoyed writing his dialogue.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Jonathan: So “Jonah the Giant” should be out in 2023. It’s a dark historical fantasy set during the Great Depression and it involves a giant having to face the world at large after years of hiding. It’s a bit of an allegory for what it’s like to be different in a world that isn’t really built for you, but it’s also filled with really complex characters and a good dose of thrills as well, so I hope people will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Steve: I’ve been seeing you share bits of ‘Jonah…’ and I’m excited! Bonus Question! What is your favorite album?

Jonathan: This is a very, very hard question for me. My immediate answer is “Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd, but honestly I’m not sure that I can even say that without mentioning “The Wall,” “Wish You Were Here,” and “Animals” because they’re all so damn brilliant and all in different ways. So I’m gonna throw a curveball your way and go “Kind of Blue” by Miles Davis. Maybe the most important album ever recorded.


Awesome! Thank you good sir!

You can follow along with Jonathan’s adventures here;

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JonathanEdwardDurham/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisone0verhere

Book Review: Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire


Title: Across the Green Grass Fields (Wayward Children 6)

Author: Seanan McGuire

Release date: January 12, 2021

Look, the reality is that many series begin to fizzle out after the first three book arc or after that magical 5th entry that seems to be a natural series ending. So, when we get to a series that has a book six, seven and more, you begin to wonder if the author can not only hold the initial magic that drew you in initially, but also whether the books themselves can still hold your attention. This isn’t meant as a negative, it’s just the hard truth that readers minds are finnicky and authors can also lose steam and/or world desire.

I have to say – not the case here. Probably should’ve led with that yeah?

The sixth entry in McGuire’s phenomenal Wayward Children’s series is a complete stand-alone story. Sure there may be nods to other characters in the world (there might be, but I don’t have a reader’s brain that let’s me remember every single character ever mentioned, sadly), but this one is a singular piece set in the shared world of the other five books. And honestly, I think that was exactly what needed to happen to keep this franchise fresh and vibrant.

What I liked: As with all of McGuire’s entries into this series, the story follows a child who finds an unexpected door and, after going through, finds themselves whisked away to a fantastical world. In this case, we follow Regan, who has discovered the reason behind why she’s not beginning puberty the same as the other girls in her class. After divulging this to her supposed best friend, she flees the school and finds a door.

As well, with all of McGuire’s entries, this story has an allegorical aspect to it that pertains to some very topical events going on in the world today. I’ll keep my yap shut about it, as I don’t want to spoil that, but I will say, it was a really refreshing way to discuss differences, belonging and how, sometimes, family isn’t always those you’re related to through blood.

The novellas always hum and crackle along and this one does the same. The story flows magically and it leads up to an ending that will most likely have reverberations across the future entries.

I really loved the characters within and the setting of this one. I’d think this was the most full on ‘fantasy’ style story thus far, with centaurs and fauns and Kings and Queens in a castle. Really made for some stunning imagery.

What I didn’t like: While I liked the ending, I thought it was a little too rushed. I would’ve loved to see a bit more action occur as a result of the decisions, but that’s minor.

Those folks who believe we live in a world of only males and females will most likely get their underwear in a knot reading this, but I think that’s part of McGuire’s goals when creating this phenomenal places and characters.

Why you should buy this: Being that this is a complete stand-alone, you could get away with reading this without having read any of the others. Saying that, you’d be missing out on some of the most sublime and pristine world-creating and characters you’ll fall in love with. Seanan is a master and I’m so happy to see that this series continues to rocket along at such a high level.


3Q’s – Brennan LaFaro get’s dangerous!


Today’s guest is both an author and a podcast host! Many of you will know Brennan from his writing, others from his co-hosting gig on the Deadhead Space podcast!


Welcome, Brennan!

Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Brennan: My writing time looks a lot like that of a father of two boys who works two jobs. It can be erratic, but I try and maintain a schedule within the chaos. As a rule, I try to do writing-related things every day. This can be actual writing, editing, or sometimes promotional stuff. I’m lucky enough to have my lunch and prep period back to back at work, and I can typically get in an hour then, and maybe an hour after the kids are in bed. On days off, I like to write early in the morning, when the house is relatively quiet. I try not to stress about daily word counts. They can be helpful if I’m writing toward a deadline, real or self-imposed. There are days where I only get 200 words, but I’m truly happy with them. While I don’t adhere to word counts strictly enough to advertise them, I can see how they might benefit some writers. After all, writing is like exercise and if tracking your progress in that manner is an effective tool to help you get it done, more power to you.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you absolutely detest?

Brennan: I really don’t, honestly. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got some despicable antagonists in various stories, but they’re all so much fun to write. The main antagonist in Slattery Falls, Robert Weeks, is detestable. Pure, unadulterated evil, but I enjoy the challenge of writing him. He’s a monster, but creating his dialogue is an exercise in control. He keeps a quiet calm regardless of what heinous misdeed he’s talking about, and when he loses control, it’s a careful crescendo. He’s also a character that it’s easy to overwrite for and turn into a mustache-twirling villain, so I enjoy the challenge of exercising restraint and making his actions speak louder and his words count for something.

In my upcoming horror western, Noose, the titular villain is absent much of the book, but when he shows up, he makes his impact felt on the main character right off the bat. Almost the opposite of Weeks, George “Noose” Holcomb doesn’t know when to shut up and abundantly chews the scenery. If you don’t hate him by the end of chapter one, I’m not doing my job, but I bet you’ll have a good time doing it.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Brennan: Noose will be out later in 2022, so let’s talk about the re-release of Slattery Falls. The book originally came out in July of 2021, but when its publisher closed their doors, Slattery found a new home with Crossroad Press. I revised the entire manuscript, made a few additions, edited a few places that got missed on the original round of edits, and made some slight adjustments to continuity. The great Donnie Goodman worked up a magnificent cover that does the story justice.

In short, I wrote the book I wanted to read. It’s a haunted house book that revolves around ghost hunting. At the time, I didn’t realize how much the average reader absolutely hates ghost hunting books. That revelation made for more than a few panics after we announced the synopsis. Luckily, I had quite a few people reach out and say ‘I generally don’t go for this sort of thing, but the way you pulled it off worked’. The focus is less on gadgets and readouts, more on character and creeps. Despite the fact that the characters are in their early 20s at the start of the story, it’s got coming-of-age elements that have resonated with a lot of readers. It’s a tense ride with no fat on it.

I’m prepping the sequel, Decimated Dreams, for a late 2022 release, and currently writing the third and final book in the series with an eye to release it in mid-2023.

Steve: Bonus Question! What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Brennan: What a great question! It has to be Darkwing Duck. Everything from the theme song that still plays in the back of my mind, to the noir elements before I knew what noir was, makes DD, arguably, a perfect cartoon


Awesome! Thanks so much, Brennan!

Some links you should check out!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Brennan-LaFaro/e/B08R6PT1NT/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrennanLaFaro

Website: brennanlafaro.com

3Q’s – RJ Roles brings us some books of horror!



Hey friends, fans and the fellowship of the ring! It’s another 3Q’s and this one is featuring the super awesome, RJ Roles! You might now him as one of the founders of the hugely popular Facebook Page – Books of Horror. Or one of the dynamic duo behind Crimson Pinnacle Press. Or you may even know him from his own books or the Books of Horror Community Anthologies!

Welcome, RJ!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

RJ: I write when I can find the time. Whether I’m at work or at, I don’t really have time set aside for purely writing. That being said, I’m always working out a story in my head or playing around with new ideas. At the bare minimum, I like to hit at least 500 words. Often up to 1k in a session.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a favorite character you’ve written?

RJ: I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Janney Fenton (main protagonist from Girl’s Best Friend and the subsequent sequel(s)) Another would be Lucifer from my story Devil on my Shoulder in the Old Scratch Anthology. I definitely put a lot of myself into his personality.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

RJ: Old Scratch is the latest I’ve put out through Crimson Pinnacle Press. I’ve been working on (slowly) the 3rd and final? Book in the Tangled Web series. And I’m planning to release a short story collection by the end of the year. I would hope with my writing that I’m able to thoroughly offer the reader a bit of entertainment and distraction for the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Steve: Bonus Question! What is your favorite album?

RJ: It very hard to choose just one but I’d have to say Frances the Mute by The Mars Volta. It’s coming up on 20 years since its release and I still love it. It’s like comfort food for the soul to me.


Awesome! Thank you RJ!

To find more works from RJ;

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/RJ-Roles/e/B07PDZB59B/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RJRolesAuthor

3Q’s – Joe Scipione takes us to the zoo!


Welcome once again! Today’s awesome guest is a writer who has been churning out some really great releases! Please welcome, Joe!

Welcome, Joe!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Joe: I try to keep a pretty regular schedule when it comes to writing. Sometimes during the day I have time to write but it’s never a regularly scheduled time and I don’t always get to sit down and write. At night however I have a good hour or two to really get some work done. My daughter has CP and is on a feeding tube so she needs someone with her when she has her feeding which takes a good chunk of time. I sit with her every night, she uses her phone and I get my writing done. It works well and she eats every night so I know I have that time set aside for writing daily. I don’t have a word count (or page count if editing) I just get done what I can in that chunk of time. If I’m nearing the end of a project though, I usually make extra time to get it done.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you could write about forever?

Joe: In November I have a novella coming out from D & T Publishing titled DECAY. This is the first book in my Contact series. Not all the characters are the same, but the main character in Decay will come back again in future books. (Steve note – I’ve had the pleasure of reading an ARC of DECAY and it is fantastic!)

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Joe: I have a story collection that just released in April called Zoo: Eight Tales of Animal Horror. There are seven short stories in the collection and one novella. They all deal with animals in one way or another. I’m not a big fan of stories where dogs or cats die and that wasn’t at all what I was trying to do with these stories. It’s not a bunch of animal attack stories either. I wanted to do something different and create animal centered stories that had different settings and different types of characters and still bring the horror. The reviews have been positive a far and people really seem to like it.
There is something for everyone so whether you’re a fan of cosmic horror, or dystopian horror or paranormal horror it’s all there. Even some western horror thrown in for good measure.

Steve: Bonus Question! Did you have a favorite wrestler as a kid?
Joe: I was a big wrestling fan growing up and had a lot of favorites but to answer the question…Ohhhh yeah! The Macho Man Randy Savage. Dig it?


How crazy! Two Macho Man fans in a row!


For more goodies, check the links;

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Joe-Scipione/e/B08V3CR352

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeScipione0

Website: joescipione.com

3Q’s – Adam Hulse remains macho! Oh yeah!


Alright! Here we are with another awesome 3Q’s! Today’s guest is none other than the awesome Adam Hulse!

Welcome, Adam!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Adam: My writing time looks absolutely chaotic! With full time work and joint-parenting my free time isn’t something I can pin down to a schedule and that’s the same for my writing time. I often miss writing days but when I’m really trying to break a projects back, I’ll do about five hundred words a day so I can give myself some breathing space after the first draft.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you could write about forever?

Adam: I think that would probably apply to a character called Tax (the inevitable man) who is a main character in my latest novella. He’s simple-minded in many ways and a little naive but he so wants to help people and be seen as a hero. Tax has had a tough life and been taken advantage of by drug gangs who used him as muscle in the past. The catastrophic events in his own country lead to not only a reset for society but also for himself and Tax fully embraces his new start.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Adam: My latest release is a novella called The Growth which was released May 17th through Raven Tale Publishing. You should read it if you like fast-paced horror action with heart. It’s been compared to a mix of 28 Days Later and The Blob and it’s definitely my best work yet. I was tasked to create a creature feature but I wanted more than that so The Growth has a lot of social commentary alongside the horror and violence. My work often explores the good and bad in people and society as a whole and there are plenty of big characters within to help me achieve that.

Steve: Bonus Question! Did you have a favorite wrestler as a kid?

Adam: When I was a kid it was Brett Hart and Macho Man Randy Savage. Now as an adult I have a Macho Man T-shirt and adore watching his old videos and doing bad impressions with my friends. If I’m not shouting about “the cream of the crop” or giving an “OHHHH YEEEEAH” then I’m probably deeply unhappy!


Very cool!

Thank you so much!

Links for more fun;

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Adam-Hulse/e/B09JSZYMD6

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HulseAdam

3Q’s – Daron Kappauff can never go back!


Hello! Welcome to another 3Q’s!

Today’s guest is the awesome and super supportive, Daron Kappauff! Daron is a writer and makes up 1/3rd of the awesome Hold My Beer Publishing!

Welcome, Daron!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Daron: My process has evolved the last couple years. I used to only write on Fridays. I have the day off and treated it like a normal workday. Then I added a couple hours each night, after the kids went to bed. Interestingly, I found the 8-hour writing sessions weren’t as productive as the shorter ones. So, I’ve moved away from the 8-hour Friday session and just write after the kids go down every night and on the weekends when they’re otherwise pre-occupied.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you could write about forever?

Daron: I could probably write Aurora Wells, one of the supporting characters from my forthcoming solo novel debut – CHILDREN OF THE DREAMER – forever. I’m currently working on the sequel, where she’s been upgraded to one of the two main characters, and I already have ideas for a couple more stories. I’m really excited for people to meet her.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Daron: My newest release is a novelette, WE CAN NEVER GO BACK, which should be out later this month (June 2022). With this story, I wanted to take a look at the destructive nature and gravitational pull of toxic relationships and thought it would be fun to do so through a genre lens that I rarely see: a melding of Cosmic Horror & Slasher. Also, there’s an evil phone booth in the woods, so that’s fun.

Steve: Bonus question! If someone looked through your music collection – what band would they find the most of?

Daron: Do people still have music collections? I don’t think I’ve bought an album (or a DVD for that matter) since the early 2000s. But if you looked at my rotation of digital music, you’d find a 3-way tie between VHS Collection (and yes I realize the irony of listening to band called VHS Collection digitally), Rise Against, and Clint Mansell’s various soundtracks. I write almost exclusively to Mansell’s catalogue – The Fountain & Moon being my favorites.


Awesome! Thank you, Darren!

Check the links as always!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Daron-Kappauff/e/B09PZJ1TV4/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/daronk77

3Q’s – Danger Slater literally has trademarked the Moon!


Last week, I mentioned how season two invites were sent out and some of them were appearing before season one was finished – hence the red logo. Today is another one of the season two misfits to be featured before season one ends because of government red tape and release date promo’s. Actually no red tape. I’m just sarcastic.

And you know who else is hilariously sarcastic? Why the guy who arrives today for the 3Q’s! Mr. Danger Slater himself. I connected with the mysterious enigma that is Danger a number of years back and I’ve always been a fan of his style of Bizarro and the fantastic social media fun he has!

Welcome, Danger!

Danger Slater

Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try to write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Slater: Most days I’ll wake up and read for about an hour to get my brain juices flowing and then I’ll sit down at the laptop and pound the keys for about three-to-four hours. Unless I’m under a deadline, I don’t force myself to go any longer or harder than that. I think setting aside dedicated writing time is more important than trying to hit a word count. Whether I am just editing that day or dumping a few thousand words on the page, the habitual aspect of it keeps the work steadily moving forward without having to stress too much about getting things done.

Steve: You win the lottery and the only condition is that you need to fund another author’s book to be made into a movie. What book would you choose to be filmed?

Slater: I’d give Max Booth III a million bucks to turn Maggots Screaming! into a gory dark comedy. Such a good book. Right up my alley. And I’ve talked with him about his desire to make a film version of it. I’d personally love to see it.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Slater: My newest book is called Moonfellows and it’s about a crew of unwilling people who are sent to the moon in the early 1900s and get trapped up there for the next several centuries. It’s kinda all over the place in terms of genre, but there are elements of body horror, comedy, spec-fic, alternate history, and sci-fi, all mixed together with this dark kind of existential throughline. It makes more sense in the text, I promise. It does a lot with a relatively low word count. It’s my best stuff to date. And people should read it because it’s fucking GOOD. Treat yourself to something different.

Steve: Bonus Question! If you could be an extra on any TV show, which one would it have been and why?

Slater: I am no extra, my friend. I am the goddamn star of the show! Haha! But to answer your question, I guess I would want to be one of the lice that live inside of Bob Ross’s beard in The Joy of Painting. I’d imagine it’d be pretty soothing, infesting Bob Ross.


Ha! That is great.

Thanks so much, Danger!

As always – check the links for more great reads!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Danger_Slater

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4789886.Danger_Slater

3Q’s – Robert P. Ottone executes with excellence!


We’re back with another 3Q’s! Today’s guest is a writer who writes in a wide scope of genres!

Let’s welcome the awesome, Robert P. Ottone!

Welcome, Robert!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Robert: I prefer to write first thing in the morning, but because I’m a teacher, all that time is wasted in the classroom. That said, if I can get some writing in at night or in the afternoon on weekends, I’m a happy camper. I never have a word count I try to hit, I just kinda’ “know” when I’m spent for the day. Some days that’s at five thousand words. Other days, it’s two thousand. I wrote something like twelve thousand in one day not super long ago, so that was deliciously satisfying.

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you could write about forever?

Robert: I could write stories set in the town I write about forever, Resting Hollow. I guess in terms of characters, I’m sorta’ playing with a survivalist-type character in my latest WIP that I feel I could write stories about a lot moving forward. He’s got one of my closest friends’ last names, too, so, that’s another component, I guess, the character reminds me of him a bit.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Robert: My novel The Triangle is a young adult cosmic horror story set against the threat of sea-level rise. I’m hoping people enjoy it. You certainly did, which I’m exceedingly thankful for! I think people should check it out if they’re interested in seeing cosmic horror written for a younger audience, or if they’re interested in cosmic horror themselves and want to see it interpreted in perhaps a more accessible way.

Steve: Bonus Question! Did you have a favorite wrestler as a kid?
Robert: My favorite wrestler of all-time will always be the Excellence of Execution himself, Bret “the Hitman” Hart. Nothing tops the Sharpshooter. My friends and I used to spring it on one-another all the time in college, it was really dumb and awesome.


(Side note – I just Google images for these answers, but look at this one! It is Bret Hart, hitting the Sharpshooter on Stone Cold Steve Austin and it appears Ken Shamrock is the referee! Whoa!)

Awesome! Thank you, Robert!

As always – check out the links!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Robert-P-Ottone/e/B07Y5FGHQK

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobertOttone