3Q’s Special – Angel Van Atta and the power of over-thinking!


Big time thanks for all of you who continue to read this series and support it so much! It’s been a ton of fun and I’ve loved seeing all of the comments from people who rave about finding new-to-them authors, which is one of the biggest reasons that I decided to even start doing this!

Today’s guest is a fun one! I connected with Angel Van Atta a while back over on FB and since then, it’s been a mutual support-fest! I’m super happy to have her as today’s Special 3Q’s guest!

Please, welcome Angel!



Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

AVA: To be honest, I am a total night owl, and so most of my writing gets done at night, while the moon is high in the sky and the world is asleep around me. It’s the magical time. The secret time. And I think my writing is better for it. As if, maybe, some of that magic gets wrapped up in it. At least, I’d like to hope so.

Steve: You end up at an estate sale and discover an unpublished manuscript from an author you love. Do you keep it just for yourself or do you share it with the world?

AVA: I do love estate sales because I love drifting through times that have come before me. I love stumbling over items that show how much we have progressed, or regressed, as time has moved slowly, but steadily, on. And so if I were ever lucky enough to come across something as amazing as a long lost manuscript I would absolutely want to share that with the world! Though, I must confess, I would definitely spend some time with it first. All wrapped up in a comfy blanket with a steaming cup of chocolate coffee nearby. But then I would definitely pass it on. Anything I can do to spread some good will around, I try to. And what spreads joy better than books? They’re these magical items that transport us through time and space and allow us to have experiences we otherwise never could.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

AVA: My latest novel is called The Paintings That Hung. It’s the third in its series and it really is about the powers within ourselves that we can tap into when we are needed by others around us. About coming together to fight against evil for the common good and about love and family and finding our potential. But, also, a lot of really messed up and gory stuff happens along the way. My first book was about possession and my second was my haunted house tale. This one is my wicked witch story and the one I’m currently working on, the one that will finalize the series as of now, is my take on vampires. Well, a vampire. It’s fitting because these were the tropes that meant so much to me while growing up. They were the things that went bump in the night and that peered out at me through shiny, beady eyes from within my closet door. Which always seemed to be just slightly ajar.

Steve: Bonus Question! You wake up in a comic book. What is your comic book character and what is your super power?

AVA: Oh, man, this is a great question because I love me some super heroes. If I suddenly found myself bitten by a radioactive spider or fell somehow into a giant oozing vat of bubbling green chemicals, I would probably be known as Anxiety Angel. My superpowers would include the ability to tell the outcome of things through lightning fast overthinking! Though out of the one million five hundred thousand and fifty three possible outcomes I would come up with, which one that would actually end up happening would be as big of a surprise to me as it would be to you. Anxiety Angel really would be basically the same as regular Angel, just with super cute pink spandex and those boots that go up to your knees.

Thank you so much for including me in this. It was a lot of fun and I’m honored to be chosen. It was a lot of fun!

Welcome! Thank you so much for doing this, Angel!

To find more of her work and follow along – check the links!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Angel-Van-Atta/e/B0B57FDMPY

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouswyfWithAPen

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