3Q’s – Rowan Hill loves hypothetical questions!

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Today’s guest delivered a super engaging novella earlier this year and continues to churn out darkness. Rowan hill is supportive, kind and encouraging and even more exciting – she’s today’s 3Q’s guest!

Please welcome Rowan!

RowanHill (2)

Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Rowan: Oh geez. Did I sleep well last night? Do I particularly need to exercise today? Does my lawn need mowing? No, there is no schedule, no rhyme or reason or word count. I will say this however for my chaotic process, when I get inspiration, I ride that sucker ’til it’s dead and buried and burn myself out in a fiery blaze and regret all my life choices.

Steve: You decide to host a writer’s retreat. One weekend in a luxury house on an island. What three other authors do you invite to come along?

Rowan: An island? Are we sure we can’t make it less Honeymoon and more Battle Royale? And if I am inviting authors I admire, I’m gonna give them some writing material out of this thing! So, now the question is who do I feel I could sufficiently maim or would be a good ally until we inevitably turn on each other at the last minute?

First, I am bringing someone I admire. Someone whose writing stirs fear, someone the others will naturally focus all their energy and blood lust on. You know, Gabino Iglesias. The arms on that guy, the pens he must just crush! He’ll probably be first to go (oh god, I hope).

Next I’m gonna have to go with a controversial choice. The matriarch of horror, Shirley Jackson. She’s gonna act all motherly, act like she would never hurt a soul, never would rip the wing off a fly. But I know her sick game, so I am immediately at an advantage. I’ll eat those peaches, Shirl.

Last, Kenzie Jennings. I love her and her Splatterpunk mind, she’s good and could easily take out the other two. Dy’all remember the boot through the head in Red Station? Superb. I winced. But let’s be real, she’s short. I’ve got the height advantage, a good foot I bet. She’ll never see my ax coming. 

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Rowan: The latest piece I have out is with the wonderful, hard working Kristi Peterson Schoonover at 34 Orchard. Memory Foam is a 2nd POV of a touchy subject of carers for the long-term disabled. I enjoyed writing it and it’s a fast read, so maybe check it out? For bigger stuff, stay tuned. I love glamorous Hollywood slashers and my Southern Arkansas roots have turned gothic.

Steve: Bonus Question! You receive an invitation in the mail from one of these two people. The invitation invites you to have dinner and spend the night in their home. Do you accept the invitation from Victor Frankenstein or Dracula and why?

Rowan: What! I love this question. Why are we talking about writing schedules when we could ponder these wonderful hypotheticals!? Essentially, you’re asking whether I am intellectually motivated or if I want a ‘good’ night that may or may not lead to death. On one hand, I am a science nerd, and the old Doc is very tempting. Pick his brain for a few hours? Why did he go big on the first experiment, a gigantic man he couldn’t control!? Why not start with a cute, chimera bunny? And the balls on that guy! Frankenstein was a lot of things, but no one ever really mentions his brass balls. On the other hand, I could sample some superb and erotic vampire dick. I mean…


Great response haha! Thank you for doing this again!

To find more of her work, check the links!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Rowan-Hill/e/B092DG2CFX

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WriterRowanHill

Website: https://www.writerrowanhill.com/

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