

Exciting day here for me, as today is the launch of my newest novella, ‘When I Look At The Sky, All I See Are Stars.’

Released through DarkLit Press, this one is related to the Father of Lies series, but can be completely read alone and without any prior knowledge.

Huge thanks to DarkLit Press, David Sodergren for editing this bad boy, Greg Chapman for his amazing artwork/cover, Linda Jones for the performance of a lifetime for the audiobook, all the authors who’ve taken the time to read this and blurb it, Alec Frankel for the amazing behind the scenes film agenting stuff, and every reader who have preordered/liked/shared/read/reviewed and supported this one and me!

If you want to grab it and haven’t done so yet, you can do so here;

Also, thank you to everyone who grabbed the Father of Lies ebook while it was on sale for 99c over the last few weeks! That was so very kind of you all!

That’s all I got for now!

2 thoughts on “RELEASE DAY!

  1. Hi Steve,

    I just bought WHEN I LOOK AT THE SKY, ALL I SEE ARE STARS. I haven’t read your Father of Lies series, so that’s next on my list. Thank you for your thoughtful book reviews, you’ve introduced me to authors who were new to me and inspire me to finish my WIP. Thanks again, and I hope When I Look at the Sky is a big success. I don’t often write reviews, but I promise to write one for WILATHS.


    Lisa Holden


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