Book Review: A Misfortune of Lake Monsters by Nicole M. Wolverton


Title: A Misfortune of Lake Monsters

Author: Nicole M. Wolverton

Release date: July 2nd, 2024

*Huge thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC!*

There’s something to be said for the depth of emotions that really well done YA books can pull off. Often times, its focused around loss or love. But when we get a story that deals with loss AND love, you know that you should probably cancel any plans, as your heart is going to be aching and your attention will be focused completely on the story you’re about to read.

I’ve not read anything from Wolverton previously, but for a first time experience, this was so very well done that I’ll absolutely be seeking out more of her work. I hadn’t seen much of this book shared around in my usual haunts, but when I saw Nicole herself, post about it on IG, I was immediately intrigued. When I read the synopsis, I was hooked. Pun intended? Sure, we’ll go with that!

What I liked: The story follows three small town friends, Lemon, Darrin and Tory. Lemon and Troy secretly love each other, though they’ve not told each other. Everyone else knows it, but hey, grade 12 and all, no need to push these two together if they’re going their separate ways after graduating, right? Lemon though, has a huge secret. For decades, her family has perpetrated the myth that the lake has a sea monster, Old Lucy. They get in the Old Lucy costume and make sure sightings happen so that tourists visit and spend their cash. Lemon herself, is struggling. Her parents have died and she’s moved in with her grandparents.

All is going seemingly well, even if Lemon is angry about being forced into this life and not able to leave and pursue veterinary school. That is, until a real sea monster attacks her and her dog and even more secrets are exposed.

It’s from here that Wolverton really shines. The first quarter or so is all about setting the bowling pins up and from this moment forward the pins are knocked down, one by one. There’s heartbreak, trust issues, secret government agencies, coming-of-age perfection and through it all, we get to see the three friends band together and work as a team to try and not only get to the bottom of what this monster is, but also to ensure the future of their small town.

Like many YA books before, this one had me smiling, crying and pumping my fist in the air, as the story unfolded and we see Lemon, Troy and Darrin grow up over a short span of time, the reality of the wider world showing its ugly face.

The ending is spot on and thankfully designed in such a way that it feels like a true ending. Would I like another book featuring these characters? Sure. But if this is the only story we get with this trio, I’d be a-ok with it because of how wonderfully developed they are, which is a testament to the deft writing of Wolverton.

What I didn’t like: I, personally, am not a fan of first person POV shifts and that is how this book is told. Each chapter is told through a different POV – namely between Lemon and Troy – and it is very jarring, especially as we move deeper into the book and the tensions rise. I would’ve preferred a 3rd person POV throughout, but that’s just me and my own reading tastes. Once I got over that initial shift, it was easy transitions the rest of the way.

Why you should buy this: As far as lake monster stories go, this one is top notch. Told with rapid pacing, rising tension and a really well done finale that was showcased in a very cinematic way, Wolverton has really knocked this one out of the park. Lemon is such a great main character and watching her and Troy find each other through the stress of their situations was an absolute highlight.


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